It’s Day 8 of the Fed Up Challenge, a challenge in which it was my own decision not to eat any added sugar for 10 whole dang days.
I also decided, without being forced at gunpoint, to not eat any white starches (flour, rice, and potatoes) and now, that I’m 8 days in, I’m wondering what in the heck I was thinking.
It’s true that after my rough start, I’ve been feeling pretty good the last 6 days – so much so that I was going on and on about how great I felt and you were probably rolling your eyes.
D’ya wanna know how I feel now that it’s Day 8 of the Fed Up Challenge and we’re almost near the end?
I’m STARVING. I feel like my stomach is eating its own lining to survive. Maybe it’s because I’ve been too busy to cook today and I’m trying to “make do”. But if I see one more piece of Ezekiel sprouted grain, I’m going to lose my blankety-blankin’ mind. The Hungry Husband is ravenous and crankylicious. I mean, I just don’t know if our marriage can survive without basic necessities, like bread that doesn’t taste like you’re gnawing on plant fibers. Do they have marriage counselors for this?
I, on the other hand, am a peach to be around. [darts eyes back and forth]
I was so desperate for some normalcy, that I spent the entire afternoon yesterday making pizza from 100% whole grain flour. I read that the dough needs sugar to scientifically rise and most whole wheat crust recipes call for at least some white flour. But like a good girl, I did not add any sugar or white flour to the dough. I was so hungry during this 5-hour cooking disaster wonderful culinary experience , that I thought I was going to pass out. The crust turned out cakey and you could taste the grains.
Foodgebra Lesson 102: pizza + grains = DON’T GO THERE [picture over-dramatic reenactment of exaggerated spitting and tongue wiping]
And the icing on the forbidden cake was the fact that I got to choke down this wanna-be pizza with…wait for it…wait for it…water! Oh water. How I love drinking you morning, noon, and night. I so appreciate your lack of flavor, because I would just be so freaking sad if you overpowered the sprouted wheat flavors from my mouth.
I’m having a tough day. Oh, did you not know that? When I can eat a meal without label reading, extensive planning, and grains sticking between my teeth, we can talk like we used to…like the good ol’ days.
Let’s raise our glasses of boring water and toast to making it to Day 10! [makes the sign of the cross on chest]
In all seriousness, I’m still glad I took on this challenge. I’ve learned so much about my eating habits and I’ve felt pretty good overall (except today). I feel like it’s only day 8 of the Fed Up Challenge and I’m having trouble with the fact that there are 2 days left!
We can do this! Right? *say yes*
How are you doing with the challenge? I’d love to hear from you and commiserate together!
- Check out my recaps of Day 1, Day 3. and Day 5 of the Fed Up Challenge.
- If you’d like to join us on this No Sugar Diet (a.k.a. Fed Up Challenge) check out the official rules. It’s OK if you’re starting late!
- Need help knowing what to shop for when you’re in the grocery store? Check out this Sugar Free Diet Shopping List.
- Want to know if you’re addicted to sugar and learn more about the Fed Up Challenge? Check out this.
Here are some great Kitchen Snob recipes that are Sugar Free:
Impress Your Mother-In-Law Avocado Toast
Herbed Basmati Rice (instead of white rice use brown rice)
Easy Pan-Seared Pork Chops
Fresh Green Beans with Caramelized Onions and Bacon
Marinated Vegetable Salad