Hi, my name is Deanna and I’m a sugarholic.
You: Hi Deanna!!! [Cheering and applause appreciated. An Arsenio Hall “roo, roo, roo” fist pump is acceptable, as well.]
So here’s the deal. I’ve gained a liiitttlllle weight. Like a smidge (if a smidge equals a few pant sizes and I’m pretty sure it does). I’ve also noticed my skin not looking as glowing and dewy as it used to. Hey, I’m pretty sure this weight gain and negative face transformation has nothing to do with:
- Eating candy every day
- Downing coworker’s cupcakes near the water cooler
- Adding spoonfuls of sugar to ice tea, coffee, cereal, grapefruit
- Making things like this or this and telling everyone “it’s for the blog”, meanwhile eating half the leftovers
Could I be addicted to sugar? And please, let’s not read into the fact that I’m eating a cookie as I type this. Total coincidence.
If you’ve watched any of the morning shows like Good Morning America, you might have heard Katie Couric discuss her new film Fed Up. It’s about obesity in America and how it’s not us who are to blame, it’s sugar and the food companies who are putting unnecessary refined sugars into our foods.
What Katie Couric and the makers of the move Fed Up want us to do:
Take the 10-Day Fed Up Challenge!
Here is what I’m going to do:
I’m willing to give it a try. I’m going to experiment with not eating sugar to see if I notice any changes like:
- Will I have withdrawal symptoms?
- Will I lose any weight?
- Will I feel better?
- Will I sleep better?
But between you and me – I’m hoping that the experts are totally wrong because I would love to continue popping Sprees like they are one of the main food groups.
The Sugar Addiction Action Plan
Do you have a sugar addiction? If you were drooling over the above candy pics and are about to leave this website to go dig through your sweet snacks, yes you do. So let’s do something about it together! Purty please join me in going on a 10-Day No Added Sugar Challenge.
What we’re going to do together:
Not consume any added sugar for 10 days. (official rules to come)
2016 Start Date: January 11. Although if that doesn’t jive with your schedule, like you have plans to eat your way through a vacation in Italy that week, I get that. Start when you get back. Whatever is convenient for you. Go here for the official 2016 announcement.
What I hope you will do:
Chime in with your comments, gripes, thoughts, cravings. Anything you want to say. Let’s start a conversation about this. Let’s be more healthy. (I need buddies when it comes to doing hard things!)
I will post the official rules of the challenge and more about this in the coming weeks. But in the meantime, start to notice how often you are eating sugar. Just be aware of it.
I promise that if we do this 10-Day No Sugar Challenge together, afterwards I won’t become a crazy health nut and start coining phrases like “The War on Chocolate Cake”. If that happens, rest assured that my brain has been altered by aliens.
Okay friends, who’s with me? Check out the Rules for the Fed Up Challenge!
[note note_color=”#f9d103″ text_color=”#fd0886″ radius=”16″]If you want to receive updates about the 10-Day No Sugar Challenge, please sign up via email in the upper right hand corner of this website.[/note]Check out recaps of Day 1, Day 3, Day 5, and Day 8 of the Fed Up Challenge.
Here are some great Kitchen Snob recipes that are Sugar Free:
Impress YourMother-In-Law Avocado Toast
Herbed Basmati Rice (instead of white rice use brown rice)
Easy Pan-Seared Pork Chops
Fresh Green Beans with Caramelized Onions and Bacon
Marinated Vegetable Salad
Hey, Deanna! You lovely pez/spree obsessed girly! I constantly follow your blog and I LOVED your YUMMY UGLY CHICKEN. I say ROO ROO ROO! Right now I am in my room eating a whole platter of chocolate lasagna by myself but I AM NOT ASHAMED. Thanks to you, I look in the mirror every morning and think “You are one hot mamma, Bienth!” Thank you for your helpful tips but I’m not sure if I can do this challenge–hehe. Love you, Deanna!
Hi Deanna! I’ve been reading your blog for a little while, and I’ve come to realize that between the Arsenio Hall fist pumping & the silly shenanigans you post about, we’re basically twins. =P I think I’m going to join you on the sugar detox, because Lord knows I need to not eat ice cream and cupcakes in 1 day (thankyouverymuch), and that I can’t afford for my butt to get any bigger.
Cheers to no sugar! (Well, I’m saying that now. I make no promises for when this all goes down.)
Hi Ashley! So nice to hear from you. I don’t see anything wrong with cupcakes and ice cream in the same day. 😉 If you like a lot of sweets, stock up on lots of different fruits for the challenge. I made a Chopped Fruit Salad (without the honey or sugar) and just had some every night after dinner. It actually seemed like dessert!
You are so funny, my little pez-popping princess! I love that you are giving yourself the entire month of July to binge on sugar – haha 😀 I like my sugar in the liquid form, (i.e., wine!) Give that up? Yeah … no. But I will *attempt* your challenge with you (shouldn’t be too difficult.) Now, if you start a “carb-challenge” where we can’t eat pasta or bread, I will have to fly to your house and beat you with a baguette! :-p
I better wear a helmet then. Technically, the white bread and pasta is considered sugar because your body turns it to sugar. BUT I’m going to have 2 options that people can choose from. The “hard care” version with no white pasta or white bread and the “baby steps” version where it’s just about no added sugar in your diet. So you’re in the clear. 😉
Okay, so I really WANT to do this. I may not be able to do it
August 1st because we will traveling across the country then,
but I really NEED to do it soon. Great idea!
No problem. If you can, try to start when you get back. There might be others who will start late, too.
I want to do this so baaaaaad! Need buddies and lots of help. Thanks for taking on the challenge and helping out folks like me.
I know I can’t imagine that it will be easy but we can do it!
When you start your sugar detox let me know. I will do it with you.
Great! We can be cranky together. 😉