Happy New Year!
Let’s celebrate by continuing to eat all the leftover cookies and candy. Finish those bottles of wine. No problem, right? And yes, you WILL have a second helping of potatoes and pasta thank you very much.
But then, on January 2 (or 3rd if you’re a procrastinator like me) let’s go sugar-free!
Do you see how happy this woman is with her dry, boring salad? This represents my exact emotions as I eat brown rice and remember that it has a weird crunch to it.
She looks a little maniacal and I’m thinking she might calm down if she could just eat a cracker.
But here’s the best part of sugar-free January! We’re not going to get crazy with it. No one’s going to crack the whip and beat you down for having a french fry. It’s easy. It’s breezy. We’re gonna be chill.
Lindsay, from the blog Pinch of Yum, is hosting this sugar-free challenge. I’ve done a few 10-day sugar free challenges in the past and they’re pretty strict. The thought of doing another seemed too hard. I’m lazy. And strict is not what I’m in the mood for.
I’m pretty excited about it because I did some damage this month year. Let’s just say I’m living in sweats whenever I can. Some of my shirts are turning into half-shirts. When people buy me clothes as gifts, they automatically give me the larger sizes with out even asking my size. And they’re right – they fit.
What about you? I’d like to hear about your pants digging into your sides. This will bring me much New Year’s joy. 😉
How to go Sugar-Free in January
You can read all about Pinch of Yum’s January sugar-free challenge here. Sign up for Lindsay’s newsletter to get sugar-free recipes and support all month long.
We’ve Got Sugar-Free Friendly Recipes!
Spicy Power Turkey Sandwich with Avocado Spread
Sugar-Free Baked Apple Slices – a reader said she used less butter than required and it still tasted just as good
Spicy Chicken Fried Rice
Chopped Fresh Fruit Salad
Avocado Toast – yum!! Put on whole grain bread (read the label to check for added sugar) or use Ezekiel bread
Marinated Vegetable Salad – this one is always a crowd-pleaser at parties and potlucks
Perfect Fried Plantains
Pico de Gallo Salsa – make a large batch and add it to eggs or baked chicken when you want some flavor
Bruschetta – This is marinating in my fridge as I type this. This is delicious with chicken or fish for lots of added flavor! Use the topping only, not the bread.
Peruvian Green Sauce – Since this sugar-free challenge is a little more relaxed, you can get away with using this in moderation (mayo has sugar). Use sparingly to meats and wraps.
Poor Man’s Steak Salad – I admit, this one is – eh, but sometimes you wanna be cheap
Sticky Rice with Cilantro and Caramelized Onions – use brown rice instead and follow cooking times on package
Honey Lime Cilantro Sauce – this goes great with pork chops, chicken and turns plain brown, boring rice into a heavenly dish of deliciousness
Secret Ingredient Scrambled Eggs
Asian Chicken Lettuce Wraps with Persimmons – Some of the sauce has a tiny bit of sugar. But since we’re not being super strict and this has no white starches, I’m making this at least once this month. It’s healthy enough. 🙂
Herbed Basmati Rice – use brown rice instead and follow cooking times on package
Yummy Ugly Chicken – it’s pretty ugly
Cilantro Lime Rice Infused with Garlic – use brown rice instead and follow cooking times on package
Want more help and guidance?
Here are some more helpful links:
Sugar-Free January Q&A – Have a question? Find your answers!
Sugar-Free January Product Guide – This is so great. Lindsay takes you through several of her favorite grocery stores, like Trader Joe’s and Target, and posts pics of many snack options you can choose from. Easy!
Sugar-Free January Meal Planning Guide – If you’re a big planner and love making lists, you’ll find this very helpful. Includes links to many more sugar-free recipes, too!
Curious about my previous sugar-free challenges? Here is the link. This previous challenge was different and more strict. It was about breaking a sugar addiction and this month we’re more concerned with eating healthier.
That sounds like a great start to the new year!